How To Wash Weighted Blanket

You know the feeling of curling up under a cozy weighted blanket, its gentle pressure making you feel calm and relaxed. But what happens when that blanket needs a good wash? Washing a weighted blanket may seem like a daunting task, but fear not! In this article, we will guide you through the simple steps to keep your weighted blanket looking and feeling fresh. From prepping your blanket for washing to choosing the right detergent, we've got you covered. So grab a cup of tea, sit back, and let's dive into the world of washing weighted blankets.

Discover more about the How To Wash Weighted Blanket.


Before you begin the process of washing your weighted blanket, it's important to make sure you are prepared. Here are a few steps to follow:

Check the washing instructions label

The first step is to check the washing instructions label on your weighted blanket. Different blankets have different requirements, so it's crucial to read the label carefully. The label will provide you with specific guidance on how to wash and care for your blanket.

Remove any removable cover or duvet

If your weighted blanket has a removable cover or duvet, it's essential to remove it before washing. The cover or duvet may have separate washing instructions, so be sure to check the label on that as well. Removing the cover will help ensure that both the blanket and the cover are cleaned properly.

Prepare the washing machine

If you plan to use a washing machine to clean your weighted blanket, it's important to prepare the machine properly. Clean the machine beforehand and remove any leftover detergent or residue. This will prevent any unnecessary buildup or damage to the blanket during the washing process.

Gather the necessary supplies

Lastly, gather all the necessary supplies before starting the washing process. You will need a mild detergent suitable for delicate fabrics, lukewarm water, and a bathtub or basin for hand washing. For machine washing, you will need to ensure you have the appropriate washing machine settings, detergent, and a dryer or drying rack for drying the blanket.

Hand-Washing Method

If you prefer to handwash your weighted blanket, follow these steps:

Fill a bathtub or large basin with lukewarm water

Begin by filling a bathtub or large basin with lukewarm water. Ensure that the water level is enough to fully submerge the weighted blanket. Lukewarm water is gentle on the fabric and will help to preserve the quality of the blanket.

Add a mild detergent

Next, add a mild detergent suitable for delicate fabrics to the water. Be sure to follow the instructions on the detergent packaging to ensure you are using the right amount. Avoid using harsh chemicals or bleach, as they can damage the fabric and affect the weight distribution of the blanket.

Submerge the weighted blanket

Once you have added the detergent, carefully place the weighted blanket into the bathtub or basin, ensuring it is fully submerged. Gently press the blanket down to allow it to absorb the soapy water. Let the blanket soak for about 15-20 minutes to allow the detergent to penetrate the fabric and effectively clean it.

Gently agitate the blanket

After the soak, gently agitate the blanket in the water. Use your hands to move the blanket around, ensuring that every area is cleaned thoroughly. Be careful not to be too rough during this process, as excessive agitation may cause damage to the blanket's stitching or fabric.

Drain the water

Once you have finished agitating the blanket, carefully drain the soapy water from the bathtub or basin. Be sure to remove all the water before proceeding to the next step. Take your time and ensure that the blanket is free of any excess detergent or residue.

Rinse the blanket thoroughly

After draining the soapy water, fill the bathtub or basin again with clean lukewarm water. Rinse the weighted blanket thoroughly to remove any leftover detergent. Repeat the process of gently agitating the blanket in the clean water to ensure that all the detergent is washed away.

Remove excess water

Once you have finished rinsing the blanket, remove it from the bathtub or basin and gently squeeze out the excess water. Avoid wringing or twisting the fabric, as it may damage the inner filling or affect the weight distribution. Instead, gently press the blanket between your hands to remove as much water as possible.

Hang or lay flat to dry

Finally, hang the weighted blanket on a clothesline or lay it flat on a clean surface to dry. Ensure that the blanket is evenly spread out to promote proper drying. Avoid direct sunlight, as it may cause fading or damage to the fabric. Allow the weighted blanket to air dry completely before using or storing it.

Machine-Washing Method

If you prefer to use a washing machine to clean your weighted blanket, follow these steps:

Check if the blanket is machine washable

Before proceeding with machine washing, double-check the washing instructions label to confirm if your weighted blanket is machine washable. Ensure that you are using a machine that is large enough to accommodate the size and weight of your blanket.

Choose the right washing machine settings

Once you have confirmed that your weighted blanket is safe to machine wash, select the appropriate washing machine settings. Choose a gentle or delicate cycle with cold or lukewarm water. Avoid using hot water or a heavy-duty cycle, as they may cause damage to the fabric or affect the weight distribution of the blanket.

Add an appropriate detergent

Add a mild detergent suitable for delicate fabrics to the washing machine. Follow the instructions on the detergent packaging to ensure you are using the correct amount. Be mindful not to overload the machine, as this may prevent the blanket from being cleaned thoroughly.

Place the weighted blanket in the machine

Carefully place the weighted blanket into the washing machine, ensuring that it is evenly distributed. Avoid cramming or stuffing the blanket into the machine, as this may cause uneven cleaning or damage to the fabric. Leave enough space for the blanket to move freely during the washing cycle.

Start the washing machine

Once you have properly loaded the weighted blanket, start the washing machine. Allow the machine to complete the chosen cycle, and avoid interrupting the process. The gentle cycle will help protect the fabric and maintain the integrity of the blanket while effectively cleaning it.

Dry the blanket

After the washing cycle is complete, it's time to dry the weighted blanket. Follow the drying instructions provided by the manufacturer. If the label states that the blanket is suitable for machine drying, place it in the dryer on a low heat setting. Alternatively, you can opt to air dry the blanket or lay it flat on a clean surface until it is completely dry.

Drying the Weighted Blanket

Drying the weighted blanket correctly is essential to maintain its quality and prolong its lifespan. Here are a few options for drying your blanket:

Read the drying instructions carefully

First and foremost, carefully read the drying instructions provided by the manufacturer. They will give you specific guidance on the best method for drying the weighted blanket. It's crucial to follow these instructions to avoid any damage or shrinkage of the fabric.

Air drying

Air drying is a common and effective method for drying weighted blankets. Simply hang the blanket on a clothesline or drying rack in a well-ventilated area. Be sure to evenly spread out the blanket to promote efficient drying. Avoid direct sunlight, as it may cause fading or damage to the fabric.

Hang the blanket on a clothesline or drying rack

If you choose to air dry the weighted blanket, hang it on a sturdy clothesline or drying rack. Ensure that the blanket is well-supported and evenly spread out to prevent the weight from causing stretching or sagging of the fabric. Allow the blanket to dry completely before using or storing it.

Lay the blanket flat on a clean surface

Another option for drying your weighted blanket is to lay it flat on a clean surface, such as a bed or table. Make sure the surface is flat and free of any dirt or debris that may cling to the fabric. Rotate the blanket occasionally to ensure even drying. This method can take longer than air drying, so be patient.

Use a dryer on low heat

If the washing instructions label states that the blanket is safe for machine drying, you can use a dryer to speed up the drying process. Set the dryer on a low heat setting to avoid damaging the fabric or affecting the weight distribution. However, be cautious as excessive heat may cause shrinkage or affect the texture of the blanket.

Cleaning Specific Stains

Accidents happen, and stained weighted blankets can be a cause for concern. Here are some tips for dealing with specific stains:

Spot-treating stains

For smaller stains or spills, spot-treating can be an effective solution. Use a mild detergent and a clean cloth to gently blot the stained area. Avoid rubbing the fabric vigorously, as this may cause damage or spread the stain further. Rinse the treated area thoroughly with clean water and pat it dry.

Removing bodily fluid stains

If your weighted blanket has been soiled with bodily fluids, it's important to act quickly. Start by removing any excess fluid using a clean cloth or paper towel. Then, mix a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water (one part hydrogen peroxide to two parts water) and apply it to the stained area. Let it sit for a few minutes, then blot the stain gently. Rinse and dry the blanket thoroughly.

Treating oil or grease stains

Oil or grease stains can be a bit trickier to remove. Start by blotting the stain with a clean cloth or paper towel to remove any excess oil. Sprinkle a small amount of baking soda or cornstarch onto the stained area and let it sit for a few minutes to absorb the oil. Brush off the powder and gently blot the stain with a cloth soaked in a mild detergent solution. Rinse and dry the blanket afterward.

Dealing with odor issues

If your weighted blanket starts to develop an unpleasant odor, there are a few things you can do. First, make sure the blanket is completely dry, as dampness can lead to odors. If the odor persists, sprinkle some baking soda over the blanket and let it sit for a few hours. Vacuum or shake off the baking soda, and the odor should be significantly reduced.

Caring for the Blanket

Proper care and maintenance of your weighted blanket are essential to ensure its longevity and effectiveness. Here are some tips to follow:

Avoid excessive washing

Although it's important to keep your weighted blanket clean, avoid excessive washing. Frequent washing can cause wear and tear to the fabric and affect the weight distribution. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for washing frequency and consider spot-treating stains whenever possible.

Protect the blanket with a removable cover

To minimize the need for frequent washing, protect your weighted blanket with a removable cover. A cover not only provides an extra layer of protection for the blanket but also allows for easy cleaning. Choose a cover that is machine washable and matches the dimensions of your blanket for a snug fit.

Store the blanket properly

When not in use, store your weighted blanket properly to keep it clean and in good condition. Fold the blanket neatly and place it in a breathable storage bag or container. Avoid storing the blanket in a damp or humid environment, as this can lead to mold or mildew growth. Store it in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight.

Regularly check for damage

It is essential to regularly inspect your weighted blanket for any signs of damage. Check for loose threads, rips, or tears in the fabric and ensure that the inner filling is intact. If you notice any damage, avoid using the blanket until it is repaired or replaced. Promptly address any issues to maintain the quality and safety of the blanket.

Frequency of Washing

The frequency of washing your weighted blanket depends on several factors. Here are a few things to consider:

Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations

The manufacturer's instructions should be your primary guide when determining how often to wash your weighted blanket. They have specific knowledge of the fabric and filling used, and their recommendations will help you maintain the blanket's quality and effectiveness.

Assess the cleanliness of the weighted blanket

In addition to following the manufacturer's recommendations, assess the cleanliness of the weighted blanket regularly. If you notice stains, odors, or visible dirt, it's a good indication that the blanket needs to be washed. Trust your judgment based on the condition and use of the blanket.

Consider personal factors

Personal factors such as allergies, sensitivity to odors, and overall cleanliness preferences may also influence your decision on how often to wash your weighted blanket. If you have specific concerns or requirements, it may be necessary to wash the blanket more frequently than recommended.

Additional Tips

Here are some additional tips to help you maintain and care for your weighted blanket:

Consult the manufacturer’s instructions

Always refer to the manufacturer's instructions for specific guidance on washing and care. They know their product best and can provide you with the most accurate information. Following their instructions will help ensure that you do not inadvertently damage your weighted blanket.

Consider using a duvet cover

Using a duvet cover can be a great way to protect your weighted blanket from spills, stains, and excessive wear. Duvet covers are typically easier to clean than the blanket itself, allowing for quick and convenient maintenance. Choose a cover that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing to enhance your overall sleeping experience.

Ask for assistance if needed

Weighted blankets can be heavy and cumbersome to handle, especially when wet. If you find it difficult to manage the washing and drying process alone, don't hesitate to ask for assistance. Enlist the help of a family member or friend to ensure the safety of both yourself and the blanket.


Maintaining the quality and effectiveness of your weighted blanket is crucial for its longevity and your optimal comfort. Regular cleaning is essential to ensure hygiene and remove dirt, stains, and odors. By following the proper washing methods, drying techniques, and caring for your blanket, you can enjoy the benefits of a clean and fresh weighted blanket for years to come. Remember to consult the manufacturer's instructions, consider using a removable cover, and assess the cleanliness of the blanket regularly. With these steps, you can keep your weighted blanket in pristine condition and continue enjoying its soothing effects.

See the How To Wash Weighted Blanket in detail.

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