How Heavy Should A Weighted Blanket Be

You've probably heard about the growing popularity of weighted blankets and their potential benefits for improved sleep and relaxation. But, have you ever wondered how heavy should a weighted blanket be for maximum effectiveness? Finding the right weight can make all the difference in your comfort and overall experience. In this article, we'll explore various factors to consider when choosing the ideal weight for your weighted blanket, helping you achieve the ultimate cozy and calming experience. Whether you're a light sleeper or seeking deep pressure therapy, we've got you covered with expert advice and insights. So, let's dive in and discover the perfect weight for your weighted blanket experience.

Discover more about the How Heavy Should A Weighted Blanket Be.

Factors to Consider

When determining how heavy a weighted blanket should be, there are several important factors to consider. These factors include the individual's weight, body size, age and development, as well as their sleep position and sensory preferences. By taking these factors into account, you can ensure that the weighted blanket provides the optimal amount of pressure and comfort for a restful night's sleep.

Individual’s Weight

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing the weight of a weighted blanket is the individual's body weight. As a general guideline, it is recommended that the weight of the blanket should be around 10% of the individual's body weight plus an additional 1-2 pounds. However, this formula may vary depending on other factors such as body size, age, and specific needs.

Body Size

In addition to an individual's weight, their body size should also be taken into consideration when selecting the weight of a weighted blanket. For those with a larger body frame, a heavier blanket may be necessary to provide adequate pressure and deep touch stimulation. Conversely, individuals with a smaller body frame may find a lighter blanket to be more comfortable and effective.

Age and Development

Age and development also play a role in determining the appropriate weight for a weighted blanket. Children, for example, may require a lighter blanket compared to adults. It is generally recommended that children use a weighted blanket that is around 5-10% of their body weight. This ensures that they receive the therapeutic benefits of the blanket without it being too overwhelming or cumbersome for them.

Sleep Position and Sensory Preferences

The sleep position and sensory preferences of an individual should be taken into account when choosing the weight of a weighted blanket. For those who tend to sleep on their stomach or back, a lighter blanket may be more comfortable and less likely to cause discomfort. However, individuals who sleep on their side or prefer a firmer pressure may benefit from a heavier blanket that provides more deep touch stimulation.

Weight Recommendations

Once the factors mentioned above have been considered, it is important to follow the weight recommendations commonly suggested for weighted blankets.

10% of Body Weight + 1-2 Pounds

A common weight recommendation for adults is to choose a weighted blanket that is approximately 10% of their body weight, with an additional 1-2 pounds. For example, if an individual weighs 150 pounds, a suitable weighted blanket would be around 15-17 pounds. This range provides enough pressure while still allowing for comfort and ease of movement.

5-10% of Body Weight

For children, the weight recommendation for a weighted blanket is generally around 5-10% of their body weight. This ensures that the blanket is not too heavy for their developing bodies, while still providing the benefits of deep touch stimulation. Keep in mind that the specific weight within this range may vary based on the child's size and sensory needs.

General Guidelines

Weighted blankets are available in various sizes and designs, catering to both children and adults. Understanding the general guidelines for each category can help you make an informed decision.

Child Weighted Blankets

When selecting a weighted blanket for a child, it is essential to choose an appropriate size that provides adequate coverage without overwhelming them. The blanket should typically cover the child's entire body without hanging over the edges of the bed. Additionally, child-sized blankets often range from 5-15 pounds, depending on the child's weight and age.

Adult Weighted Blankets

For adults, weighted blankets come in a range of sizes to accommodate different bed sizes and user preferences. It is crucial to choose a blanket that is large enough to cover the entire body comfortably without feeling restrictive. Adult-sized blankets generally start at 15 pounds and can go up to 30 pounds or more, depending on the individual's weight and sensory needs.

Special Considerations

Certain medical conditions and disabilities may require special consideration when it comes to choosing the weight of a weighted blanket.

Medical Conditions and Disabilities

Individuals with specific medical conditions or disabilities may benefit from a weighted blanket, but it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional, such as an occupational therapist or pediatrician, to determine the appropriate weight and usage. Conditions such as autism, ADHD, anxiety, and sensory processing disorder may necessitate a more individualized approach to ensure the blanket is safe and effective.

Safety and Comfort

It is crucial to prioritize safety and comfort when selecting the weight of a weighted blanket. The blanket should never be too heavy to restrict movement or impede breathing. If the individual experiences any discomfort or difficulty breathing while using a weighted blanket, it is important to reassess the weight and consult with a medical professional.

Consulting with Professionals

To ensure the right weight is chosen for a weighted blanket, it is beneficial to seek guidance from professionals who specialize in occupational therapy, pediatrics, or other medical fields.

Occupational Therapist

Occupational therapists can provide valuable insights and recommendations based on an individual's specific sensory needs and developmental considerations. They can assess factors such as proprioception, fine motor skills, and sensory integration to guide the choice of weighted blanket weight.


When selecting a weighted blanket for a child, consulting with a pediatrician can offer valuable advice regarding the child's growth and development. They can offer personalized recommendations based on the child's age, weight, and any medical conditions.

Medical Professionals

For individuals with specific medical conditions or disabilities, consulting with medical professionals who specialize in those areas can provide invaluable guidance. They can help determine any contraindications for weighted blankets and suggest appropriate weight ranges based on the specific condition.

Trial and Adjustment

After selecting a weighted blanket, it is important to remember that the weight may need to be adjusted over time. It is recommended to start with the lower end of the weight range suggested for the individual and gradually increase if needed. By allowing for a trial period and being open to adjustments, the individual can find the optimal weight that provides maximum comfort and therapeutic benefits.

Other Factors to Consider

Beyond weight, there are additional factors to consider when choosing a weighted blanket.

Blanket Fabric and Material

The fabric and material used for the weighted blanket can influence its overall comfort and breathability. It is advisable to choose a fabric that is soft, hypoallergenic, and easy to clean. Options such as cotton, bamboo, or microfiber can provide a pleasant tactile experience while allowing for proper airflow to prevent overheating.

Blanket Size and Distribution

The size and distribution of weight within the blanket also play a role in comfort and effectiveness. A well-distributed weight throughout the blanket ensures even pressure distribution and minimizes shifting during use. It is important to select a blanket size that suits the individual's body proportions and preferences.

Warmth and Climate

Consider the warmth and climate of the sleeping environment when selecting a weighted blanket. Some blankets may provide added warmth, which can be beneficial in colder climates or during the winter season. However, if the individual tends to sleep hot or lives in a warmer climate, choosing a blanket with breathable materials and appropriate thickness is crucial to prevent discomfort.

Maintenance and Durability

To ensure the longevity and effectiveness of a weighted blanket, proper care and durability should be taken into account.

Weighted Blanket Care

Weighted blankets may require special care due to their added weight and construction. It is advisable to follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and maintenance to prevent damage to the blanket. Some weighted blankets may be machine washable, while others may require spot cleaning or professional cleaning. Regular care and maintenance will help preserve the blanket's quality and effectiveness.

Durability and Warranty

Checking the durability and warranty of a weighted blanket provides assurance that the product is built to last. Look for blankets with reinforced stitching and high-quality materials that can withstand regular use. Manufacturers that offer warranties on their products demonstrate confidence in their durability, providing peace of mind for the user.


Finding the ideal weight for a weighted blanket involves considering various factors such as individual weight, body size, age, sleep position, and sensory preferences. By following general guidelines and consulting with professionals, you can select a weighted blanket that provides the appropriate pressure and comfort for a restful and therapeutic sleep. Additionally, factors like blanket fabric, size, warmth, maintenance, and durability should be taken into account to ensure the blanket continues to be effective and provides a comfortable, calming experience. Remember to prioritize the individual's safety and comfort throughout the process of choosing and using a weighted blanket.

Discover more about the How Heavy Should A Weighted Blanket Be.

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